It’s like looking up at a glowing icon


The moon’s gravity soars. Vientiane transformation hue Try to be glamorous. I like that you are abnormal. "Wow" "Ah ah ah ah" "Awesome!" "Fire" A swing in the front row Tang Yike has jumped out

There, a touch of bright red rose in the snow white.


Three-foot-high scarlet steam is so conspicuous in the snow, especially when seven figures fly out of it, as if seven meteors had slipped through the snow-white curtain. Seven blood-red lines leaving noodles Disturbed the snow

I dare not say that 99% of the day’s ceremony will come, and 70% of it will come at least. It can be said that the day’s ceremony has come to July 7th, and such a strength, if United, may not be able to overturn the position of Tao Zuhongjun.


Fighting back the excitement, Taoist Duobao, Duke Zhao and others left and waited for the day ceremony to come. The next day, before dawn, Lintong was a piece of benevolence. In addition to many people