"Are you kidding?" Glass foam eyebrow lift was accidentally touched the wound tight frown hurts damn wound endure slowly bed …


Xie Wendong looked at the glass foam and choked back, shook his head with a sigh and got up and squatted in front of her. "It won’t involve the wound if you lie on my back so comfortably."
Will Limo be polite? Of course not. Besides, someone volunteered for you, and the other party still dominated the party …
The glass foam is very impolite. Go straight to Xie Wendong’s back and face is still a natural expression …
It’s really light. Xie Wendong can’t help but sigh at the corner of her mouth. If she didn’t see it with her own eyes, she really wouldn’t believe that just oppressive domineering came from her small body.
Glass foam headrest Xie Wendong left shoulder confused looking at Xie Wendong left ear this feeling? That’s weird. Is that what it feels like to have blood as thick as water? Glass foam corners of the mouth slightly reminded as if not very annoying …
The trace ward is just next door to the glass foam, which is less than 5 minutes away.
Glass foam let Xie Wendong let himself go to that big bed with five people. I don’t understand and look at the bed. My bloody hands can’t help but caress my forehead and bandage gauze …
"When will he wake up?"
Click’ door sound-
"Arnold, who are you?" Looks very dignified and virtuous lady came in wondering and looked at two people in the ward.
Heard Xie Wendong eyebrow trace department mother?
Like a lady who noticed her sight turned her head and smiled politely.
Xie Wendong nodded to one side.
Glass foam turned and walked to the front of the lady looked up …
? ? ? Cold … It’s too close. It’s really evil high heels! ! ! What else is there that my height is so different from others? ? ? Step back and look up at the lady again …
The lady blinked and continued to wonder, we know each other, but why does she look like a brave man going to war?
"Are you the mother of the trace department?" Calm down, calm down. Why is there such a thing as high heels? ? ? Sad in my heart …
"hmm!" The lady nodded and continued to blink. Calm down! ! ! But that’s great, Kawaii! ! !
"Cough, cough" aside, Xie Wendong put his fist in his mouth with one hand, and he was very calm. If you look carefully enough, you can definitely see his shoulders shaking.
This child is really cute enough! It’s a miracle to cultivate a child’s character!
Get the answer. Li Mo knelt down with a serious face and put his fist on the other side of his chest and bowed his head. "I’m sorry for hurting your husband. I’m willing to take all the responsibility!"
This etiquette is only available to ancient European nobles! What? Xie Wendong’s eyes narrowed and the light passed by …
Chapter sixty-three Traces of mother?
This etiquette is only available to ancient European nobles! What? Xie Wendong’s eyes narrowed and the light passed by …
The lady is one leng and her eyes are shining and calm! Calm down! The wife of the Ministry of Traces and the United States must be calm! ! !
So the ward was suddenly silent a bit weird …
About two minutes later …
Why didn’t you respond? Didn’t she understand? Li Mo looked up slightly, and her yellow almond eyes were full of doubts and confusion. What’s the matter? ? ? Why do you seem to be holding back something?
No, it’s really cute, especially when her watery almond eyes stare at you in confusion.
Mrs. Hattori’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and then an explosion broke out.
"Kawaii! ! !” Sitting in front of the glass foam, my face is full of joy. "DOG, right? Can I call you DOG?" A wink …
"nerd?" Li Mo is confused. What’s the situation? ? ?
Xie Wendong almost went directly to the ground in meditation. What is this situation? ? ? Woman! ! ! Sure enough, it’s a horrible thing, or our glass foam is better!
"I’m Jingwu’s mother. DOG can call me mom directly! When did DOG and our family Jingwu meet? How long has it been? How are you getting on? When are you going to get married? When … "
Looking up to heaven, Li Mo said, what is she doing here? Get up and look at Xie Wendong with black lines. "Good luck!"
Tidy up one’s clothes, bypass the trace and leave beautifully …
"DOG foam-"where is this child going? Trace department and the United States lifted up her head and wondered. Then she looked at Xie Wendong as excited as discovering the new continent. "You are in-laws, right? When shall we-"

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